
Fire retardant coatings

In 2004, the collaboration of a master chemist and an entrepreneurial inventor created a unique, topical wood protective coating for the building products industry. It is known today by several names: SAFEGUARD and UltraBan (Rhino Hide). It was the first coating to solve critical problems associated with wood products: mold and termites. When we received a class A rating on douglas-fir and spruce-pine-fir for fire retardance we thought our program was complete.

However, the need for fire retardant protection on engineered wood products became evident. In 2014 we launched a new research and development project to solve this critical problem.

Ultra Solutions, LLC is committed to providing coating solutions for problems in the wood industry. We believe that mold, fire and termites in building structures are inherent problems which must be dealt with during the wood manufacturing process. Our products are environmentally safe and were created to unquestionably solve these issues.  

Where We Began: In 2004 we responded to the critical need of preventing mold on dimensional lumber. After 34 years of building roof trusses we had an urgent problem which threatened our business.  In tropical Florida during the 2000 housing boom, my roof truss manufacturing company's customers demanded "no mold" on their trusses. Mold on building materials was unacceptable and we had to find a remedy. Our solution was the surface coating, BluWood. Extensive laboratory testing, certifications, practical field testing and fourteen years of application to thousands of structures without a claim is positive proof of its enduring performance. BluWood's improved mold retardant abilities are currently found in our SAFEGUARD and Rhino Hide®/UltraBan products. SAFEGUARD XP™ [Xtreme Protection] is our surface coating designed for SPF dimensionsional lumber which holds a Class A fire rating plus mold and termite inhibiting qualities. 

Safeguard XFR™ addresses the critical need to provide a fire retardant application for the most popular engineered wood product, OSB.  Engineered wood is without question the world’s most important building product. It is sustainable, eco-friendly and energy efficient while maximizing our most important renewable resource. Our goal is to retard OSB’s rapid burn with a cost-effective, safe, and easy to apply coating which is job ready when delivered.

SAFEGUARD XFR is this product. It will expand the use of engineered wood. It will make wood structures safer. It will save lives. It will change the industry. Before fire threatens and time becomes a lifeline, think ... Safeguard XFR™.


Michael E. Reed, President